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Quality Ingredients
Quality Freezerves
Less is more. With only five ingredients (Pure Cane Sugar, Fruit, Fruit Pectin, Food Starch and Citric Acid from lemons), we can make sure that your freezer jam tastes like fresh fruit! We truly believe in our products and only use the highest quality ingredients we can find.
What are Freezerves?
Freezerves are an all natural freezer jam created by the Sunfresh Foods company. We coined the term because nothing else seemed to fit our special product. We produce seven flavor varieties which you can order online.
No Cooking - All Natural
To preserve regular jams, most manufacturers use an elaborate process where they boil their ingredients several times. This boiling process destroys the flavor, freshness, and nutritional value in these products.
Our products are carefully combined from natural ingredients well below boiling (often at or near room temperature). The great flavor of Strawberry, Apricot, Raspberry, and Marionberry is the only thing we preserve, something you have to taste to appreciate.

How It All Began…
Sunfresh Foods, Inc began with the dream of bringing the incredible flavor of all natural "Freezer Jam" to the public. Unlike most store-bought jams and preserves, this method of making jam requires no cooking and captures the taste of fresh fruit, retaining the vitamins and enzymes that occur naturally. Before Sunfresh Freezerves, freezer jams were only available from the kitchens of Momma Bee or Grandma.
We created our first batch of Sunfresh freezer jam on July 4th, 1986, with an investment of $1,000 in fresh raspberries, sugar, pectin and plastic food containers. The original home-designed labels were made using niece Kela's crayons. In the commercial kitchen of our neighborhood Masonic Temple (which we rented for $10 a day), we continued to grow the business.
The next four to five years, the Sunfresh Team spent time marketing, sampling, developing recipes, producing and packaging jam. Reed delivered the delicious products to restaurants and grocery stores around the Pacific Northwest, while sister Jill worked with restaurant chefs to determine how much jam they needed for the week ahead.
In the early 1990s, word of Sunfresh's great product began to spread, (no pun intended) to the foodservice and grocery industry. Sunfresh began manufacturing and distributing Freezerves® to consumers as diverse as families (through mail order), local restaurants, supermarkets, large foodservice distributors such as Sysco Foodservice, Food Services of America, US Foodservice, etc, local and regional distributors, and retail stores such as QFC, Metropolitan Markets, Whole Foods, Thriftways and selected Albertsons and Haggens. Look for our 16-ounce tub in their frozen food departments.
Today Sunfresh is still owned and manufactured in Seattle, Washington by an original founder, Reed Hadley, owner and President.
Hard work and customers like you have made Sunfresh Freezerves® the leader in freezer jams. Thanks to you, "We be Jammin"!
Best Regards,
Reed Hadley, "Jam Czar"
Sunfresh Freezerves
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I have been steering clients to Sunfresh FREEZERVES® for years. Whenever a client needs a delicious breakfast jam or berry sauce, I always recommend FREEZERVES®.
- Kathy Casey, Owner, Kathy Casey Food Studios
Over the years I have been to countless food shows and had the opportunity to sample thousands of products. Once in a very great while I will come across a product that is so good it stands above the rest. And so it is with Sunfresh FREEZERVES®! It is little wonder why so many discerning restaurants throughout the country have switched to FREEZERVES®.
- NW Hospitality News, March 2000
I think FREEZERVES® are great! Back in the 70's we made our own freezer jams and sold them from our stall at the Pike Place Market, so I know a good freezer jam when I taste it.
- Gene Kahn, CEO, Cascadian Farm Quality Organic Foods
I ONLY eat this jam. I have been purchasing this jam and having it shipped to me for 16 years. I also have it shipped to others as a gift.
Margie C.
When I was making wedding cakes, the seedless jams were always my go to preserves for reliable quality and fresh taste as fillings in my cakes. The seedless marionberry and seedless raspberry were the favorite!
- Jo W.
Sunfresh Freezerves
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